- Welcome to Apple Valley High School as a new teacher, student teacher or long term substitute.
This website will provide some basic tech related information to get you up and running.
Some services provided may be different for student teachers vs regular staff. Those differences will be noted.
Contact any of our tech team if you have questions or a problem. You can also check with members of your department. -
Account Information - Logging in
- All staff have an Active Directory (AD) account and email. We usually provide this for student teachers also to give them a more complete experience.
Your user name in AD is simply first.last , e.g. jack.brown. Upper/lower case does not matter.
Your password will be assigned when your account is created. The new password will have at least 15 characters. -
- Your email address is first.last@district196.org. You will have a second district email in Collab. That address is first.last@apps.district196.org. The password for both accounts is your AD password.
If we have provided a computer for you (i.e. new teachers and long term subs), you will find Outlook, a part of Microsoft Office available as your email program.
To access email from the web, use https://webmail.district196.org -
- There are several servers you will connect to that allow you to save, retrieve and share files.
District 196 servers for staff and long term subs - access within the district network
On your Mac laptop, go to the Go menu and down to Connect to Server…
You will log in with your Active Directory credentials.
Ensure the address is smb://xxxx and not afp://xxxx
staffuser will connect you to your personal space on the district servers. The space is limited, so you are advised to save your files on your Collab drive instead.
bldgshared will connect you to a place where AVHS staff can share files. You will only see files for which you have permission. (e.g. a social studies teacher will not see math files)
distshared will connect you to any district wide files you have permission to access.Collab for all - access from anywhere
If you have an AD account, you also have a district supplied Collab (Google Docs) account. This is the best place from which to save and share files. You have effectively unlimited space here.
Go to Collab, log in with your AD credentials and you will be in your drive space automatically. -
Resource Links
Some key links - ** = log in with AD credentials
** Email - Access through the web
** Campus- Student Information system
** Collab - district implementation of Google Docs
** Schoology - Learning Management System
** District Intranet - KeepCertified, Reciprocity, Absence reporting, etc.
AVHS Website
Reserve computer labs, carts and meeting spaces - Eagle Reserve
An account must be created for you first in Eagle Reserve. Contact Isaac.
Wireless access for student teachers - personal computers (and tablets and phones) should select and connect to the 196-GUEST wireless network.
To print from personal devices, you will need a PaperCut account.
Get PaperCut credentials from Isaac.
AVHS Tech Team